The last two years the pandemic and accompanying “infodemic” have more than ever highlighted the importance of having high-quality, unbiased evidence for healthcare decision-making, available in a timely manner, accessible by all.
RSCI & UCD Malaysia Campus has always been involved in promoting evidence-based information. Training students in appraising evidence has been part of our curriculum for 15 years. We have also been involved in several research projects testing ways to get research evidence into clinical practice
But very importantly we are home to Cochrane Malaysia.
Cochrane Malaysia continues to contribute towards this goal by producing systematic reviews and training people to understand and use systematic reviews. We are also working with volunteers to translate Cochrane summaries into Bahasa Malaysia (/libatkan-diri-dalam-penterjemahan-bahasa-malaysia)
Visit EBHC 2021 website for a list of events hosted by institutions around the world and see which events might interest you. (
In particular, we highly recommend our students and staff to participate in the Cochrane Crowd 12-hour COVID Quest screening challenge (
We are also running a message board campaign at RUMC and online. Post your experiences, lessons learned or your thoughts about evidence-based healthcare on a special message board in campus or on your social media page using the hashtags #WorldEBHCDay AND #RUMCturns25 AND #CochraneMalaysia